Overcoming Arrow's impossibility: Honeybee sidestep

Ben Smyth (2022) Overcoming Arrow's impossibility: Honeybee sidestep.



"Equality---impossible," cry social choice theorists. First-past-the-post plagued by vote splitting. Borda dismissing, championing ranked voting. "Bound to lead to error," muses Condorcet. Arrow discovering far more sinister defects. This note reviews their seminal results. Walks through Arrow's impossibility theorem—teaching ranked voting is fallible. And concludes with Smith sidestepping Arrow, guided by dancing honeybees, proclaiming range/score voting to be "a larger improvement in 'democracy' than the entire invention of democracy."

Bibtex Entry

	author = "Ben Smyth",
	title = "{Overcoming Arrow's impossibility: Honeybee sidestep}",
	year = "2022",